Food Resilience Tools
There are a large number of government and non-government software tools available to help analyze and assess the vulnerabilities of food production and distribution systems, food safety, and international food security to changes in climate. With software tools, users can make changes in how data are shown on screen or save the data to a file, according to their needs. Note: some sections may overlap with each other as they fit in multiple criteria.
Food Production
- Agricultural Baseline Database: Provides long-run, 10-year projections from USDA’s annual long-term projections report. The database covers projections for major field crops (corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, soybeans, and upland cotton), and livestock (beef, pork, poultry and eggs, and dairy).
- CDC WONDER: Daily Air Temperatures and Heat Index: Provides daily average air temperatures and heat index measures for the U.S., spanning the years 1979-2011. Temperature data are available in Fahrenheit or Celsius scales. Reported measures are the average temperature, number of observations, and range for the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures, and also percent coverage for the daily maximum heat index. Data are available by place (combined 48 contiguous states, region, division, state, county), time (year, month, day) and specified maximum and minimum air temperature, and heat index value.
- Climate Data Online (CDO): Provides access to climate data products through a simple, searchable online web mapping service. Users can find a variety of National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) products via CDO including the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily and the new 1981-2010 Annual, Monthly and Daily 30-year Normals.
- Crop Explorer: Provides access to imagery and modeled estimates of crop production, soil moisture, and weather for the U.S. and globally.
- CropScape – Cropland Data Layer: Provides a crop-specific land cover data layer created annually for the continental United States using moderate resolution satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground truth.
- Feed Grains Database: Contains statistics on four feed grains (corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats), foreign coarse grains (feed grains plus rye, millet, and mixed grains), hay, and related items.
- Gridded Model Output Statistics (MOS): Resources from NOAA's Meteorological Development Lab that provide information related to MOS graphics and data, implementation details, technical specifications, notifications, training, case studies, and references.
- Historical Hurricane Tracks Tool: Provides an interactive mapping application that searches and displays global tropical cyclone data. Users are able to query storms by the storm name, ZIP Code, city, state, geographic region, or latitude/longitude coordinates. Provides access to storm reports written by hurricane specialists at the National Hurricane Center.
- National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP): Most current year 1-meter natural color NAIP web services for the lower 48 states, served by USDA-FSA Aerial Photography Field Office. In addition, there are reference points to how to download NAIP compressed county mosaics (CCMs) and how to order uncompressed NAIP digital ortho quarter quad tiles (DOQQs), historical NAIP imagery, and other historical imagery dating back to 1955.
- National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS): Provides access to U.S. drought data, forecasts, and information from across federal and state agencies, tribes, universities, and other partners. Data is provided using visualization tools within the portal or as direct links to appropriate websites from the data’s host institution.
- National Water and Climate Center (NWCC) iMap: Provides an interactive process to identify and retrieve data from individual Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) and Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) sites. The user does not need to know the ID for the site but must know either its general location or the name of the site.
- National Water Information Systems (NWIS): Provides information about water quantity and quality collected at over 1.9 million sites around the U.S. As a long-term database and information delivery system, NWIS provides continual access to data collected over the last 100+ years, as well as real-time data on streamflow, etc.
- NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) Data: Data from NOAA's NOMADS project, which addresses model data access needs as outlined by the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) and was developed as "a Unified Climate and Weather Archive" that allows users to make decisions about their specific needs from days (weather), to months (El Nino), to decades (global warming).
- NOAA’s Weather and Climate Toolkit: Provides simple visualization and data export of weather and climatological data archived at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The Toolkit also provides access to weather/climate web services provided from NCDC and other organizations.
- Quick Stats: Programmatic interface to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) online database containing results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Censuses of Agriculture as well as the best source of NASS survey published estimates.
- Quick Stats API: Programmatic interface to the National Agricultural Statistics Service’s (NASS) online database containing results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Censuses of Agriculture as well as the best source of NASS survey published estimates.
- Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI): SWDI Provides the ability to search through data to find records covering a particular time period and geographic region, and to download the results of your search in a variety of formats. The formats currently supported are Shapefile (for GIS), KMZ (for Google Earth), CSV (comma-separated), and XML.
- VegScape – Vegetative Condition Explorer: Provides vegetative condition at daily, weekly, and biweekly intervals.
Food Distribution
- Agricultural Baseline Database: Provides long-run, 10-year projections from USDA’s annual long-term projections report. The database covers projections for major field crops (corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rice, soybeans, and upland cotton), and livestock (beef, pork, poultry and eggs, and dairy).
- CDC WONDER: Daily Air Temperatures and Heat Index: Provides daily average air temperatures and heat index measures for the U.S., spanning the years 1979-2011. Temperature data are available in Fahrenheit or Celsius scales. Reported measures are the average temperature, number of observations, and range for the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures, and also percent coverage for the daily maximum heat index. Data are available by place (combined 48 contiguous states, region, division, state, county), time (year, month, day) and specified maximum and minimum air temperature, and heat index value.
- Climate Data Online (CDO): Provides access to climate data products through a simple, searchable online web mapping service. Users can find a variety of National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) products via CDO including the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily and the new 1981-2010 Annual, Monthly and Daily 30-year Normals.
- Crop Explorer: Provides access to imagery and modeled estimates of crop production, soil moisture, and weather for the U.S. and globally.
- CropScape – Cropland Data Layer: Provides a crop-specific land cover data layer created annually for the continental United States using moderate resolution satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground truth.
- Feed Grains Database: Contains statistics on four feed grains (corn, grain sorghum, barley, and oats), foreign coarse grains (feed grains plus rye, millet, and mixed grains), hay, and related items.
- Freight Analysis Framework: Database containing U.S. freight flow information for states and metropolitan areas, produced by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
- Gridded Model Output Statistics (MOS): Resources from NOAA's Meteorological Development Lab that provide information related to MOS graphics and data, implementation details, technical specifications, notifications, training, case studies, and references.
- Historical Hurricane Tracks Tool: Provides an interactive mapping application that searches and displays global tropical cyclone data. Users are able to query storms by the storm name, ZIP Code, city, state, geographic region, or latitude/longitude coordinates. Provides access to storm reports written by hurricane specialists at the National Hurricane Center.
- National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP): Most current year 1-meter natural color NAIP web services for the lower 48 states, served by USDA-FSA Aerial Photography Field Office. In addition, there are reference points to how to download NAIP compressed county mosaics (CCMs) and how to order uncompressed NAIP digital ortho quarter quad tiles (DOQQs), historical NAIP imagery, and other historical imagery dating back to 1955.
- National Highway Planning Network: Comprehensive network database of the nation’s major highway system. The data set covers the 48 contiguous States plus the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
- National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS): Provides access to U.S. drought data, forecasts, and information from across federal and state agencies, tribes, universities, and other partners. Data is provided using visualization tools within the portal or as direct links to appropriate websites from the data’s host institution.
- National Water and Climate Center (NWCC) iMap: Provides an interactive process to identify and retrieve data from individual Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) and Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) sites. The user does not need to know the ID for the site but must know either its general location or the name of the site.
- National Water Information Systems (NWIS): Provides information about water quantity and quality collected at over 1.9 million sites around the U.S. As a long-term database and information delivery system, NWIS provides continual access to data collected over the last 100+ years, as well as real-time data on streamflow, etc.
- NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) Data: Data from NOAA's NOMADS project, which addresses model data access needs as outlined by the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) and was developed as "a Unified Climate and Weather Archive" that allows users to make decisions about their specific needs from days (weather), to months (El Nino), to decades (global warming).
- NOAA’s Weather and Climate Toolkit: Provides simple visualization and data export of weather and climatological data archived at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The Toolkit also provides access to weather/climate web services provided from NCDC and other organizations.
- Quick Stats: Programmatic interface to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) online database containing results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Censuses of Agriculture as well as the best source of NASS survey published estimates.
- Quick Stats API: Programmatic interface to the National Agricultural Statistics Service’s (NASS) online database containing results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Censuses of Agriculture as well as the best source of NASS survey published estimates.
- Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI): SWDI Provides the ability to search through data to find records covering a particular time period and geographic region, and to download the results of your search in a variety of formats. The formats currently supported are Shapefile (for GIS), KMZ (for Google Earth), CSV (comma-separated), and XML.
- VegScape – Vegetative Condition Explorer: Provides vegetative condition at daily, weekly, and biweekly intervals.
Food Safety and Nutrition
- Atlas of Rural and Small-town America: View the diversity of challenges and opportunities across America’s counties within different types of rural regions and communities.
- CDC WONDER: Daily Air Temperatures and Heat Index: Provides daily average air temperatures and heat index measures for the U.S., spanning the years 1979-2011. Temperature data are available in Fahrenheit or Celsius scales. Reported measures are the average temperature, number of observations, and range for the daily maximum and minimum air temperatures, and also percent coverage for the daily maximum heat index. Data are available by place (combined 48 contiguous states, region, division, state, county), time (year, month, day) and specified maximum and minimum air temperature, and heat index value.
- Climate Data Online (CDO): Provides access to climate data products through a simple, searchable online web mapping service. Users can find a variety of NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) products via CDO including the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily and the new 1981-2010 Annual, Monthly and Daily 30-year Normals.
- Food Environment Atlas: Provides a spatial overview of a community’s ability to access healthy food and its success in doing so.
- Food Access Research Atlas: Presents a spatial overview of food access indicators for low-income and other census tracts using different measures of supermarket accessibility, provides food access data for populations within census tracts, and offers census-tract-level data on food access that can be downloaded for community planning or research purposes.
- Alternatives to USDA's SuperTracker: Provides tools that can be used in place of USDA’s SuperTracker to analyze diet, recipes, and physical activity.
- Gridded Model Output Statistics (MOS): Resources from NOAA's Meteorological Development Lab that provide information related to MOS graphics and data, implementation details, technical specifications, notifications, training, case studies, and references.
- Historical Hurricane Tracks Tool: Provides an interactive mapping application that searches and displays global tropical cyclone data. Users are able to query storms by the storm name, ZIP Code, city, state, geographic region, or latitude/longitude coordinates. Provides access to storm reports written by hurricane specialists at the National Hurricane Center.
- National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS): Provides access to U.S. drought data, forecasts, and information from across federal and state agencies, tribes, universities, and other partners. Data is provided using visualization tools within the portal or as direct links to appropriate websites from the data’s host institution.
- National Water and Climate Center (NWCC) iMap: Provides an interactive process to identify and retrieve data from individual Snow Telemetry (SNOTEL) and Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) sites. The user does not need to know the ID for the site but must know either its general location or the name of the site.
- NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) Data: Data from NOAA's NOMADS project, which addresses model data access needs as outlined by the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) and was developed as "a Unified Climate and Weather Archive" that allows users to make decisions about their specific needs from days (weather), to months (El Nino), to decades (global warming).
- NOAA’s Weather and Climate Toolkit: Provides simple visualization and data export of weather and climatological data archived at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The Toolkit also provides access to weather/climate web services provided from NCDC and other organizations.
- Poverty Mapping Project: Global Subnational Prevalence of Child Malnutrition: Consists of estimates of the percentage of children with weights below the median of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) /World Health Organization (WHO) International Reference Population. Data are reported for the most recent year with subnational information available at the time of development.
- Poverty Mapping Project: Poverty and Food Security Case Studies: Consists of small area estimates of poverty, inequality, food security and related measures for subnational administrative units in Mexico, Ecuador, Kenya, Malawi, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Vietnam.
- Quick Stats API: Programmatic interface to the National Agricultural Statistics Service’s (NASS) online database containing results from the 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 Censuses of Agriculture as well as the best source of NASS survey published estimates.
- Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI): SWDI provides the ability to search through data to find records covering a particular time period and geographic region, and to download the results of your search in a variety of formats. The formats currently supported are Shapefile (for GIS), KMZ (for Google Earth), CSV (comma-separated), and XML.
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Data System: Provides time-series data on State and county-level estimates of SNAP participation and benefit levels, combined with area estimates of total population and the number of persons in poverty.
Food Security
- Climate Data Online (CDO): Provides access to climate data products through a simple, searchable online web mapping service. Users can find a variety of National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) products via CDO including the Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily and the new 1981-2010 Annual, Monthly and Daily 30-year Normals.
- Global Agricultural Information Network: Information reports on agricultural situations around the world submitted by overseas offices of USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
- Gridded Model Output Statistics (MOS): Resources from NOAA's Meteorological Development Lab that provide information related to MOS graphics and data, implementation details, technical specifications, notifications, training, case studies, and references.
- Historical Hurricane Tracks Tool: Provides an interactive mapping application that searches and displays global tropical cyclone data. Users are able to query storms by the storm name, ZIP Code, city, state, geographic region, or latitude/longitude coordinates. Provides access to storm reports written by hurricane specialists at the National Hurricane Center.
- NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS) Data: Data from NOAA's NOMADS project, which addresses model data access needs as outlined by the U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP) and was developed as "a Unified Climate and Weather Archive" that allows users to make decisions about their specific needs from days (weather), to months (El Nino), to decades (global warming).
- NOAA’s Weather and Climate Toolkit: Provides simple visualization and data export of weather and climatological data archived at the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The Toolkit also provides access to weather/climate web services provided from NCDC and other organizations
- Poverty Mapping Project: Global Subnational Prevalence of Child Malnutrition: Consists of estimates of the percentage of children with weight-for-age z-scores that are more than two standard deviations below the median of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/World Health Organization (WHO) International Reference Population. Data are reported for the most recent year with subnational information available at the time of development.
- Poverty Mapping Project: Poverty and Food Security Case Studies: Consists of small area estimates of poverty, inequality, food security and related measures for subnational administrative units in Mexico, Ecuador, Kenya, Malawi, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Vietnam.