Ferrying data to the public through the USDOT National Census of Ferry Operators
For many Americans, maritime transportation plays a role in their daily commute to work. Understanding usage patterns and operational expenditures at different ferry operators can help transportation planners learn more about how ferries are used in different parts of the U.S., and how ferries can support economic activity in a region by providing important transportation options. The U.S. Department of Transportation makes the results of the biennial National Census of Ferry Operators available online. Users interested in querying the historical database of ferry information can visit the Bureau of Transportation Statistics to use the query tool at: https://www.ncfodatabase.bts.gov/ncfodb/NCFO\_DQ.jsp’
Link to National Census of Ferry Operators dataset: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/national-census-of-ferry-operators-data-query-tool-be1e5
The Staten Island Ferry moving through the waters around New York City.
By Marin Kress, Research Physical Scientist, Engineer Research and Development Center, USACE