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An official website of the United States government


Energy Infrastructure Framing Questions

Energy 1. How are fundamental energy resources impacted by climate? 2. How might changes in climate and natural resource availability impact energy conversion infrastructure and processes? 3. How might climate impact energy transmission and distribution systems? 4. How might energy … Continued

Transportation Framing Questions

Transportation How will climate trends affect transportation systems and their future design? What parts of the transportation system will be most vulnerable to climate change?… Continued

Coastal Flooding Theme Adds Thirteen New Datasets

In a continued effort to provide key datasets that support the process of developing resilience to climate change, thirteen additional datasets are now available in the Coastal Flooding theme. These datasets include: NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Sea Surface… Continued

Human Health Framing Questions

Human Health 1. In what ways does the changing climate affect public health where I live? 2. What risk factors make individuals or communities more vulnerable to climate-related health effects? 3. How can public health agencies, communities, and individuals plan... Continued

Ecosystem Vulnerability Framing Questions

Ecosystem Vulnerability 1. Help communities and natural resource managers determine if they are currently at risk from wildfires and if they will be impacted in the future due to wildfires becoming more prevalent and severe. 2. Provide information to the public on their sources of water and their sensitivities to climate change. 3. Aid in the public understanding... Continued

Coastal Flooding Framing Questions

Coastal Flooding 1. What areas are currently at greatest risk of coastal flooding? 2. What areas are going to be impacted in the future as sea level rises? 3. In what areas are there additional factors that add to the risk?... Continued

Coastal Flooding Theme Adds Eleven New Datasets

In a continued effort to provide key datasets that support the process of developing resilience to climate change, eleven additional datasets are now available in the Coastal Flooding theme. These datasets include: NOAA Optimum Interpolation 1/4 Degree Daily Sea Surface… Continued

Ecosystem Vulnerability Theme Adds Eleven New Datasets

In a continued effort to provide key datasets that support the process of developing resilience to climate change, eleven additional datasets are now available in the Ecosystem Vulnerability theme. These datasets include: Quality Controlled Local Climatological Data (QCLCD) Publication U.S.… Continued

Launch of Health theme of Climate.Data.Gov

(April 7th 2015) The U.S. Government has released a collection of datasets to help individuals and communities plan for the impacts of climate change on the public's health. These resources can help answer a number of relevant questions, including: In what… Continued

An official website of the GSA's Technology Transformation Services

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