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Food Resilience Data

The U.S. Government and its partners have been collecting data relevant to the vulnerability of the food system to climate change for over a century. Useful datasets on this topic include the Census of Agriculture, the leading source of facts… Continued

Launch of Food Resilience Theme

To help communities and individuals plan for the risks of drought, floods, and other climate-change-related impacts, the US government is releasing today a collection of datasets containing information relevant to the effects of climate change on the food system.… Continued

Infrastructure and Geographic Map Data for Climate-Preparedness

To help communities and citizens plan for the risks of coastal flooding and other climate-change-related impacts, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the U.S. Geological Survey have released new non-sensitive datasets containing… Continued

NASA Invites Citizens to Collaborate on Coastal Flooding Challenge

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) interactive energy disruption maps combine real-time data feeds from NOAA's National Hurricane Center with more than 20 map layers showing the nation's energy infrastructure and resources. This new tool, available around the clock on the EIA… Continued

Welcome to!

In this new and pilot-stage of, you will find resources to help companies, communities, and citizens understand and prepare for the impacts of coastal flooding and sea level rise. Over time, you’ll find more datasets, web services, and tools,… Continued

What Kind of Climate Data Can I Find?

In this emerging climate data resource, you can find datasets and web services, as well as tools, related to coastal flooding and sea level rise. We are featuring key resources to help you get started building data layers and tools… Continued

Release of Infrastructure and Geographic Map Data for Climate-Preparedness

To help communities and citizens plan for the risks of coastal flooding and other climate-change-related impacts, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the U.S. Geological Survey are releasing today a collection of non-sensitive… Continued

Climate Data in Action

These post-Superstorm Sandy maps for New York City and New Jersey and New York states show how the floodplain will change under different scenarios of sea level rise. Surging Seas uses government data to project sea level rise scenarios for… Continued

An official website of the GSA's Technology Transformation Services

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